Monday, April 28, 2014

EXIT Realty Paragould Receives Award

Contact:Laura Roussel
Regional Owner
EXIT Realty Arkansas & Oklahoma
(800)509-3948 or (870)236-9111 or go to their website at

EXIT Realty Paragould Receives Award

Paragould, Arkansas (Grassroots Newswire) 04/24/2014 -- EXIT Realty Paragould in Paragould, Arkansas, was recently awarded the Top Brokerage Award for Average Ends per Agent for 2013 in the two-state region of Arkansas and Oklahoma.

“This Average Ends per Agent award is one of four Top Brokerage awards awarded this year, and is EXIT Realty Paragould’s 3rd consecutive year to earn this award,” stated Laura Roussel, regional owner of EXIT Realty Arkansas and Oklahoma. “EXIT Realty Paragould has consistently been an office that puts out a high percentage of closed deals as compared to the number of agents in their office.  This is important to the success of any real estate office, large or small, and says a lot about the work ethic and integrity of the team of agents that make up the office.”

“We are very fortunate to have a team of agents whose most important goal in a real estate transaction is to satisfy the customer,” said Broker/Owner Randy Jumper. “That, along with the knowledge and experience they bring to the table, seems to bring about satisfaction on all sides.”

For more information about EXIT Realty Paragould, please call (800)509-3948 or (870)236-9111 or go to their website at EXIT Realty Paragould is located at 8 Southpointe Drive in Paragould, Arkansas.
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    Documents and/or Photos available for this release:

EXIT Realty Paragould’s Randy Jumper accepts the 2013 Average Ends per Agent award from Scott Roussel of EXIT Realty Arkansas & Oklahoma (left), with Bob McKinnon of EXIT Realty Corp. USA
To view supporting documents and/or photos, go to and enter Release ID: 371715

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